5,000th Tree
I visited this old friend last week in Indianapolis. It’s the 5,000th tree I’ve planted (out of 7,176) and it’s been in the ground for over 8 years. I hadn’t seen it in quite a while, so I was shocked to see that it’s now well over 40 feet tall. Humbling to say the least. It’s a Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) which is Indiana’s official state tree and it’s planted in Broadripple Park on the north side of Indianapolis. That’s the neighborhood that I called home for over 20 years before moving to East Nashville.
Thanks for giving a damn,
East Nashville
Carnival set up in the parling lot of a plasma center.
One of our local breakfast joints.
Sometimes the jokes write themselves.
Hamburg, Iowa
I had breakfast at this cute little drug store/soda fountain in the tiny town of Hamburg, Iowa.
Weston, Missouri
World’s Largest Ball Of String -Weston, Missouri
Atlanta, Illinois
Muffler Man holding a giant hot dog. -Atlanta, Illinois
Covered Wagon
“World’s Largest Covered Wagon” -Milford, Nebraska
Chimney Sweep
“World’s Largest Chimney Sweep” -McPherson, Kansas
Wrecks Incorporated
Wayne Kramer and I recently visited a prison just outside of Austin, Texas on behalf of Jail Guitar Doors. Here’s a photo of me fooling around with Wayne’s guitar later that day. You can find out more about Jail Guitar Doors here: http://www.jailguitardoors.org.uk/
Bad Idea
Photographic evidence of what will be remembered as one of the greatest events in American history.
Breakfast In Memphis
Miss Polly’s Soul City Cafe -Memphis, Tennessee
Camden, Tennessee
I recently visited the site where Patsy Cline’s plane went down in the woods outside of Camden, Tennessee.
Presidents Day
Presidents Day provides me an opportunity to share this photograph I made about seven years ago at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. Enjoy!